Monday, April 23, 2007

NEWS: Britney Spears and Sanjaya Malakar, duets?

According to various news sources, reportedly Britney Spears, Itching to make a wonderous comeback in to the American pre-teen pop market is planning to cavort with none other than our news worthy mangy locked Sanjaya. Just when you thought you'd never have to hear his name again huh.

According to the reports, Britney thinks that since Sanjaya has such a news worhty buzz about him, if she teams up with him to make beautiful music together, it will help her career and help her to land on the top music charts. I personally think that shaving her head might have caused her to stop thinking...

The thought of Sanjaya and Britney to me brings up a little bit of last nights dinner. Never mind the fact that her recent escapades have led her to be more of the music industry freak show, and less of the up and coming talent.

However, and I really hate to say this: it might just be the smartest thing she has ever done. If you truly think about it from a purely business standpoint, where has she got to go from here. If she put out another solo work who would buy it? But, if she were to team up with a recent sensation, even if he did lose, it might just garner enough attention to brighten up her image if not just a little bit.

It seems just crazy enough to work, unfortunately. Let's just say if it does - you won't find me looking it up...

Times of India original story

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